Offices and Contact Information
BVG is your solution for affordable Bahamas Internet services. We offer cost effective Web Pages, in a simple design, including links and graphics. We can quote one time sites whether in simple design or themed multi-page sites, expanding into contact areas and the extensive details you need to provide. We can include web site optimization and promotion in the major search engines as well as host them. Simple, effective Bahamas design and related services does not have to cost a fortune. Get your business (or just you!) on the Internet today.
If you need an ad campaign that goes beyond the realms of Internet advertising, see us for complete marking services with our advertising agency department. These services include DVD or CD production, reproduction with labels and etching (silk screening on CD/DVD). Printed materials, layout advertising as well as video advertising for use on such sites as YouTube and Myspace.
can also provide you with a more complex web page including Java Script, dynamic
HTML, animation and more. We can design complex websites as well as those
consisting of numerous pages. We offer discounts for websites over 10 pages,
and even larger discounts for those numbering 100's of web pages
Already have a Site but experiencing poor results getting people there? Check out our promotional services and optimization services. Have a handle on your web site but need somewhere to host it? Look no further, our Hosting can provide robust hosting packages for little expense. The best part? It is a simple interface, anyone can host a site with our user friendly control panels.
We are an International design firm with offices locally within the Bahamas in Freeport (headquarters), Nassau and Abaco, a Bahamian owned operation, as well as expanding into the US with our staff and affiliates.
BVG Office Location and Contact Information
BVG Design Services - Grand Bahama Island
Mailing address:
P.O. Box F-43652, Freeport, Bahamas
Tel: (242) 602-0658 · Fax: (242) 602-0658
US Line: (954) 640-8552
U.S. Mailing
Address: BVG Design Services, 5115 NW 17th Terrace, Hangar 39a,
Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33309
We offer personalized services and consider no account too small or too large. Get what you deserve for your advertising dollar.
BVG Design Services are the creators of the ever popular Bahamas Vacation Guide.
Brief History: Two ignorant entrepreneurs sat together one afternoon and decided that they each wanted to promote their ventures on the Internet - this brand new realm of opportunity back in mid 1996. They agreed it was a lot to expect to learn individually, so one took the assignment of graphics and the other of coding. Along the short trip they bumped into web site promotion and web page optimization. The simple study and project of one month turned out a very basic multi page web site that immediately hit the top of the search engines, rapidly beating out the already well organized Bahama guides. Astounded by their ingenuity, they quickly thought up a name for their venture - Bahamas Vacation Guide. (I lazy so didn't want to type the whole thing out, that's why there is a short version of the URL). They began adding articles of general information and folks just came to them and asked to please be included, please make a web page for them. Finding the results in the search engines brought them fast and furious. Well then they (sorta slow both of them) realized that while they had a guide they didn't have a business name. So they racked their little pea brains and what they came up with was BVG Design (BVG standing for Bahamas Vacation Guide) Well it was the best they could do but remember they managed to become experts in search engine placement and optimization strategies so I guess you will have to forgive the lack of imagination. They continue to take courses and seminars to better enable them to offer you the very best services and products in the business.
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